Math Education and Math Anxiety in High School Students’ Perception

Urszula Oszwa, Katarzyna Szablowska


The study in the field of educational psychology and pedagogy was focused on the perception of mathematics by high school students from grade I (n = 58) and grade III (n = 58) in the following aspects: 1) math anxiety, 2) parental involvement in mathematical education, 3) the usefulness of mathematics in everyday life and in the future, 4) gender stereotypes concerning mathematics, 5) the need to succeed in mathematics, 6) perception of math teacher. The research problem was centered on the differences in the perception of math with regards to the age and level of education. The main technique was the questionnaire, based on the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Anxiety Survey – Short Form (Mulhern, Rae 1998). Differences in results were statistically significant in the perception of parental involvement in math education and the teacher of this subject. Applications for pedagogical practice suggest the need to strengthen the math teacher’s authority in the senior high school students.


educational psychology; math perception; math anxiety; high school youth

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Date of publication: 2019-02-26 17:52:11
Date of submission: 2018-05-13 14:47:06


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