The Creative Education within the Educational Process Changes

Irina Saukh


The main goal in the article was the disclosure of the content and strategy of creative education, its importance in forming the professional competencies of a competitive manager. The terms “education for development” and “education for sustainable development” were analyzed. It was proved that nowadays exactly the educational factor is extremely important for the positive dynamics of society’s development. The emphasis was put on the importance of the new educational paradigm formulation in order to determine the perspectives for sustainable social development. In the context of the foregoing, the place of the creative education, which integrates other kinds, connects them into a complex of very important, positive characteristics of the professional studies and the formation of a manager. The need to consider the creative and the reflexive and the creative education as the most important components of the educational paradigm in the educational process was stressed. The content of creative education, which focuses on the development of the future manager creative abilities and on the consolidation in his professional consciousness the orientation of the innovation, was specified. It includes problems analysis and activity variants, and its result is an increase in the level of management art. Therefore, creative management education is focused on the establishment and development of the management art that appears and seen only under certain education circumstances and conditions. At the same time, creative education widens the range of managerial development problems and designs variants for their solution, which should be the main thing in the modern manager work. The need to change the technology of the educational process (focusing on the forming aims of the creative manager potential) and its organization was stated in the context of creative education content analysis, and at the same time emphasizing, that creative education is a new type of education that cannot be realized only by organizational restructuring. A new term “creative economy” was introduced. Firstly, it is characterized by the use of new technologies and findings in various spheres of man’s activity, much larger amount of existing knowledge, the new knowledge generating, a high degree of the motivational innovation. Creative education is the basis of the motivational innovation, which produces intellectual and creative human resources by teaching critical thinking skills and the ability to move from a problem to an effective decision making zone.


creativity; creation; education for development; creative education; manager creative competence; creative economy; educational process paradigm

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Date of publication: 2019-10-31 17:20:08
Date of submission: 2018-07-09 11:49:47


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