Fundamentals of shaping the competitiveness of the future economist as an expert in the employment sphere

Iryna Galushchak


In the article, the problems of shaping the competitiveness of specialists in the sphere of economic activity are examined. The author emphasizes that the qualitative training of economists is connected with the implementation of a competent learning strategy in the university practice. It is determined that the main purpose of vocational education is the preparation of a qualified specialist who must be able to work effectively in accordance with his specialization in the competitive labor market. The article deals with the problems of analyzing the scientifi fundamentals for the competitiveness of an expert, and universal criteria for determining his level of competitiveness are highlighted in the article. The prospects for further research in this direction are defined.


competitiveness; labor market; employment sphere; vocational education; future expert in the economy

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:19
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:22:19


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