Practice-oriented technology of the entrepreneurial competence development of Masters in Business Administration

Olena Gnizdilova, Myroslaw Strelnikov


The article deals with the problem of training Master in Business Administration in the field of entrepreneurship; there are groups of learning technologies that effectively form the Masters’ entrepreneurial competence. Entrepreneurship is considered to be a business activity based on selfsupport. It deals with the production of vital product or service using innovative solutions that transform the public service or economic tools of its implementation for the public. The Skoll Foundation offers the following definition: “Entrepreneurs are society’s change agents, creators of innovations that alter the status quo and change the world for the better”. The authors proved that cultural and professional competence in the field of entrepreneurship forms best with interactive technologies of teaching (research learning technology, project-based learning technology, projection learning, which are common in Europe and the USA). These learning technologies, in contrast to the dominant lecture-seminar system of training Master in Business Administration, make a student an active participant of the learning process, a researcher.


entrepreneurship; competence; entrepreneurial competence; interactive learning technologies; Master in Business Administration

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:20
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:27:14


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