Nationality issue in Proletkult activities in Ukraine

Oksana Kravchenko, Uliya Pidvalna


The article highlights the social and political conditions under which the proletarian educational organizations of the 1920s functioned in the context of nationality issue, namely the study of political frameworks determining the status of the Ukrainian language and culture in Ukraine. The nationality issue became crucial in Proletkult activities – a proletarian cultural, educational and literary organization in the structure of People’s Commissariat, the aim of which was a broad and comprehensive development of the proletarian culture created by the working class. Unlike Russia, Proletkult organizations in Ukraine were not signifiantly spread and ceased to exist due to the fact that the national language and culture were not taken into account and the contact with the peasants and indigenous people of non-proletarian origin was limited.


Proletkult; worker; culture; language; politics; organization

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:22
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:30:14


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