The modern state of social workers’ training in Ukrainian higher educational institutions to work in the territorial communities

Hanna Slozanska, Nadia Horishna, Oksana Pryshlyak


Refocusing of social work at the local level of social services provision that is taking place in Ukraine now, as a result of reform of decentralization of authority, actualizes the question of training social workers to work in the community. The article discloses the modern state of development and implementation of educational programs with specialization in social work in community at various levels of higher education. The results of the study showed the unwillingness of the higher educational institutions to respond promptly to public requests for social workers training to work in the amalgamated communities. It was established that in 2017, the opportunity to specialize in social work in the community was offered only by one educational program at the undergraduate level and four at the graduate level. The analysis of the obstacles and benefits of Ukrainian higher education institutions in the implementation of such programmes is given. Understanding the existing barriers as well as the opportunities the higher education institutions get from the implementation of social work programs in community social work is necessary for the purposeful and systematic joint activities for the development of the profession, local communities, and society as a whole.


social work; social worker; social services; community; amalgamated territorial community; social workers training; specialization in community social work

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Date of publication: 2019-09-25 12:08:27
Date of submission: 2018-09-16 23:52:16


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