The Significance of Intellectual and Personality Correlates of Academic Achievements

Anna Błaszczak


The article discusses the issue of intellectual and personality factors affecting school performance and exam results. Arguments for the claim that cognitive abilities condition academic achievements were analyzed. In result it was concluded that intelligence constitute a kind of potential which significance depends on education level – stronger relations are observed in case of early stages of education. At the higher ones more significant is not the level of general intelligence but particular kind of intellectual abilities and their relevance to the exam task. Moreover analysis demonstrated that realization of intellectual potential is not given as such but depends on work and persistence determined by personality factors such as conscientiousness included in the so-called Big Five model.


intelligence; personality; the Big Five; conscientiousness; academic achievements

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Date of publication: 2020-06-29 17:48:39
Date of submission: 2019-01-11 18:29:29


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