Orthorexia Nervosa: Definitions, Criteria, Classifications – Controversies and Discrepancies

Dominika Dorota Nelkowska


Orthorexia (orthorexia nervosa – ON) is a relatively new phenomenon, so far described as a fixation on eating healthy and proper food. Due to the scale of nutritional restrictions and significant consequences, which include somatic problems and psychosocial disorders, a scientific debate has been going on for over a decade to resolve the status of orthorexia. This article summarizes the previous considerations regarding ON, with particular emphasis on empirical reports. The dominant directions of research have been described, indicating discrepancies in their results.


orthorexia; orthorexia nervosa; eating disorders; diet

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2019.32.3.169-180
Date of publication: 2019-12-20 11:03:27
Date of submission: 2019-03-22 10:38:34


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