Lost Areas of Polish Pedagogy. Part 2

Waldemar Furmanek


This study presents catalogs of problems combining on the lost areas of Polish pedagogy. Attention was drawn to the need to clearly define the mission of pedagogical sciences. It cannot ignore the answer to the question about the essence of man (problems of anthropology and axiology). These, in turn, refer to the philosophical foundations of modern pedagogy. The adopted human image indicates the attributes of the subject: human as a person (complementing the naturalistic paradigm with the humanist paradigm). With regard to these human attributes, pedagogical activity is related. Its essence is to support development processes. No less important is everything related to the so-called fields of education. There is a need to abandon the additivity that is widespread in this area. How should these issues be perceived in the light of the requirements of the methodology of systemic research and the challenges of the modern civilization of knowledge? All this is reflected in the lost problem of pedagogical axiology and education in light and towards values. The issue of human learning – in the context of ubiquitous information technologies – also requires a new approach, and this reorganizing the problem of detailed didactics, including vocational education.


anthropology; upbringing; negligence; loss; theory of education; teaching theory

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/j.2019.32.4.21-28
Date of publication: 2019-12-31 17:08:19
Date of submission: 2019-04-08 19:49:11


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