Managers’ Temperament and the Motivation of Achievements

Irena Pufal-Struzik, Ryszarda Ewa Bernacka


The article analyzes the issue of managers’ temperament and motivation to achieve from a personological perspective. The main research goal was to diagnose the state of psychological properties in the context of variables such as: position held, years of work, and sex of the manager. The research used the questionnaire temperament PTS and the LMI Achievement Motivation Questionnaire. The results gathered in a 216-person group of managers with an average age of 41 were analyzed. The statistical inference allowed the formulation of the following conclusions. There is a relationship between temperament and the motivation behind the manager’s achievements. Temperament is a predictor of the motivation of the manager’s achievements. A chairman, CEO or manager do not differ in temperament, but the manager is less independent than the chairman. With the growing number of years at work, the compensatory effort, taking care of prestige and perseverance are reduced also in the manager’s position. The longer the total seniority, the less satisfaction with the achievements and the lower self-control. As far as temperament is concerned, statistically women show significantly higher level of mobility of nervous processes, and in the scope of achievement motivation – higher enthusiasm for learning and goal orientation. On the other hand, the level of satisfaction with achievements and self-control is statistically significantly higher in male managers. The research results can be used in recruitment as well as for directing the development of the psychological potential of male and female managers.


temperament; motivation of achievements; manager

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Date of publication: 2019-12-31 17:08:29
Date of submission: 2019-05-18 01:57:43


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