Direct Democracy and Its Tools in the Face of Use of New Technologies

Magdalena Musiał-Karg

Streszczenie w języku polskim

Given the dynamic development of the new media, in particular the Internet, the social, economic and cultural fields of modern life are undergoing changes as well as many others. New technologies have also had an impact on political and civil activities. Direct democracy and its tools are subjects of changes resulting from development of new technologies. The consequence of ICT impact on direct democracy is appearing a notion "electronic (or digital) direct democracy". The electronic form of direct governance has ICT-based tools of exercising power that are or can be used by citizens as an instrument for co-participating in shaping political life and decisions. These considerations aim to answer the question of how the use of the Internet can influence modern democracy, in particular the direct form of governance. The author intends to answer the following research questions: how are the instruments of direct democracy, such as referenda, popular initiative and popular assembly (and, by this token, direct democracy) changing (or how they might change) following the application of the Internet or other ICTs? What opportunities and threats might ICTs employed in direct democracy bring for democracy, authorities and society? 

Słowa kluczowe

electronic direct democracy; e-referendum; e-voting; e-initiative

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Data publikacji: 2018-06-07 12:09:56
Data złożenia artykułu: 2017-09-20 21:50:48


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Pobrania artykułów (od 2020-06-17) - PDF (English) - 529


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