Forms of political violence on the Internet - an attempt of classification

Daniel Dariusz Mider


This paper developed a classification key of political violence on the Internet. Political violence on the Internet manifests itself to the same extent as in physical reality – we note both physical and psychological violence, as well as cultural and structural violence. Online political violence encompasses three forms:
cyberwar, cyberterrorism and hacktivism using physical violence. Psychological violence is a set of fourteen forms of violence, divided into three separate groups depending on the level of its intensity. The broadest category of violence is structural violence and cultural violence legitimizing it. There are three identified
forms: information supervision of the state over the society, Internet censorship and the digital divide.


social informatics, Internet sociology, political violence, political violence on the Internet

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Date of publication: 2016-06-30 20:08:58
Date of submission: 2015-11-25 12:09:27


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