Selected Personal and Situational Conditions of Employees’ Well-Being in the Gastronomy Sector - Diary Research

Bohdan Rożnowski, Anna Szumielewicz, Amanda Twaróg


The article presents an analysis of connection between constructs discussed in psychology, sociology or management - they are management styles, emotionality type of subordinates and their professional well-being. The theoretical basis for the measurement of management styles is the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid. In the case of emotionality, the basis is the concept of Watson and Clark. The next part of the article deals with employee well-being, which is defined in terms of personal and situational factors and presents models related to the issue, focusing on the Vitamin Model by Warr. The aim of the article was to investigate and describe the relationships between the aforementioned variables - the perceived style of managing managers and the perceived level of well-being in the workplace, with simultaneous control of the characteristic affective states of the surveyed employees. The research was conducted using the diary method in a fast-food restaurant in Lublin, with the use of a battery of questionnaires (Assessment of the style of management on the steering grid, KAP and PANAS-X). Referring to the verification of the research hypotheses presented in the article, it was found that negative emotionality is significantly related to the low level of employee well-being. In accordance with the assumptions, it also turned out that a stronger attitude of the manager towards his  people has a positive impact on the company's performance while manager's high orientation on the task has a negative impact. The influence of management style is stronger than the emotionality of the employees.


management styles; emotionality type; professional well-being; diary method

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Date of publication: 2020-11-19 19:44:12
Date of submission: 2020-06-13 00:57:03


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