Participatory Theater as a Tool of a Sociologist’s Work – Identity in the Process of Creation

Aleksandra Porankiewicz-Żukowska


The text presented here deals with the possibility of using participatory theatre as a site for constructing identity, and thus using it as a tool for the sociologist. The starting point for the presented considerations will be the theatrical experiments of Jerzy Grotowski, who initiated in Poland the tradition of using theatre as a tool for scientific analysis. In the context of his achievements, the author of the text seeks to answer the questions: whether and to what extent the activities of participatory theatre can constitute a research laboratory for the contemporary sociologist? Can participatory theatre serve as a tool for building personal identity? Following the thinking of contemporary scholars (Anthony Giddens, Peter J. Burke et al.), we know that, as a result of the changes associated with globalisation, the acquisition of personal identification has become   a life-long task for individuals. Moreover, this process has become considerably complicated in the sense that participants in social life have to cope with a situation of too many choices and, consequently, are confronted with more risks in social situations. They need a variety of competencies in the processes of assuming and playing social roles and the ability to deal with emotions, of which participatory theatre seems to be a natural laboratory. In the author's opinion, it can be a potential basis for the study of group processes. It is therefore worth reflecting on the role of participatory theatre in the construction of collective identities. 


identity; participatory theatre; emotions; trauma

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Date of publication: 2022-11-12 14:26:52
Date of submission: 2022-11-11 23:46:13


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