The decline of the humanism

Adriana Maria Sajur


In modern culture themes of the demise seems to be more alive than ever, and postmodernism creates visions of many parts of the reality: theory, culture, history and human. The multiplicity and diversity of these categories, and their connection  to the aforementioned theme obviously lead to the question about nature of this demise. The aim of the article is to define the notion of the demise in the anthropological perspective. The modern meaning of the demise can be combined with humanism and the related decentralization of human entity. Nowadays, it is the center which is recognized as equal - so are those elements of the world that humanism ignored ought to be touched upon. These changes implement fear in the humanity, based on the impression that something can be on better or on the same position as human is, and it appears to him as his world apocalypse. The end of the humanistic paradigm, opens the way for the emergence of new equivalent ideologies such as transhumanism, environmentalism and feminism.


humanism; post-humanism; transhumanism; environmentalism; postfeminizm

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Date of publication: 2017-08-29 23:58:53
Date of submission: 2017-04-25 13:21:58


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