Crisis of values as a result of the breakdown of pre-modern society: On the example of the romantic love convention

Jarosław Barański, Dominik Stosik


The crisis of values is considered in this paper as a consequence of pre-modern society’s disintegration. It is also attributed to the fact that modern times are not conducive to consolidating value systems due to ongoing dynamic cultural transformations. Such conclusions are drawn by taking up the case of romantic love convention, its disintegration and atrophy in pre-modern society. Shown against this background is an entirely different present-day situation of individuals as subjects in control of their emotions, abilities as well competences and ultimately their own life choices.


romanticism; modernity; axiology; philosophy of culture

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Date of publication: 2019-07-30 20:19:17
Date of submission: 2018-11-21 17:44:13


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