Europe‘s Cultural Landscapes in Travel Literature. An Introduction

Anna Pastuszka


The cultural landscape is understood as the area of human habitation and the result of human activities in a particular space. In literature, it manifests itself as an emotionally charged local landscape, as a sensually and intertextually explored travel destination or as a former historical region (as a lost cultural landscape). The article examines literary topographies and factors that influence the perception and literary representation of the cultural landscape. The existential dimension of the landscape experience is linked with spatial categories, motifs of travelling and movement in different configurations. Finally, on the basis of the contributions collected in the volume, representations of cultural landscapes in travel literature are discussed.


cultural landscape; Europe; travel literature; space; landscape; historical region

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Date of publication: 2024-04-12 14:48:44
Date of submission: 2024-03-04 13:28:03


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