Le théâtre espagnol alternatif : l'avènement d'un lieu de métissages polymorphes et synergiques

Beatrice Bottin


Since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, internationallyrenowned stages and festivals have welcomed Spanish playwrights by giving them the recognition they deserved. Not only has the subtitling technique helped to kindle the audience’s curiosity, but it has also significantly influenced and enriched the alternative creations offered by Rodrigo García, Óscar Gómez Mata and Angélica Liddell, in addition to promoting their dissemination. Yet did audiences receive their work in the same way in every country? Did the artists adapt their plays for the countries where they were performed?


alternative Spanish theatre; subtitling; dramaturgy; stage direction


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/lsmll.2015.39.2.14
Date of publication: 2016-03-31 09:33:45
Date of submission: 2016-03-30 10:18:21


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