Psychogeographical Walks with Paul Scraton and his Walk Book "On The Edge: Berlin Outskirts"

Jerzy Kałążny


Paul Scraton, born in 1979 in England, has lived in Berlin since 2001. He is the author of several books about different areas of Germany (e.g. the Baltic coast and Berlin) and the editor of the online-magazine Elsewhere. A Journal of Place. His travel book Am Rand: Um ganz Berlin includes descriptions of the outlying districts and reflections on his emotional relationship to these areas made on 10 walks along the Berlin city border. Scraton’s narratives are largely based
on contemporary psychogeography as the method of exploration of the urban environments with special reference to personal connections to spaces and places called borderlands, edgelands and non-places. The article presents the reconstruction of the urban landscape outlined in Scraton’s book and reflections on the representational potential of the concept of psychogeography.


travel literature; psychogeography; space; place; Berlin; Paul Scraton

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Date of publication: 2024-04-12 14:49:00
Date of submission: 2023-08-14 15:55:25


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