The Subject in Times of Media and Social Change. The Analytic Potential of the Mediatization Approach Using the Case of Retro Gaming

Jeffrey Wimmer


The study focuses on the question of the mediatized constitution of subject and subjectivity, which, surprisingly, has received little attention so far. The analytical reference to the mediatization approach enables a holistic understanding of subject, communication and media. Using the empirical example of the media (sub)culture of retro games, this article empirically examines the extent to which computer gamers are influenced by the spaces of experiences of games, not only in the moment of playing them, but also in the long term, with regard to their personal development and social community. The findings illustrate two dimensions of subjectivation processes: on the one hand, the reflective handling of computer games and thus subjectivation through games and game contexts, on the other hand, the nostalgic recollection of specific games and game contexts, which can be clearly separated analytically from the first dimension.


mediatization; nostalgia; retro games; subjectivation

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Date of publication: 2021-04-21 14:07:04
Date of submission: 2020-10-31 20:50:17


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