Media Ecology – (Un)necessary Research Perspective in Communication and Media Studies

Małgorzata Laskowska, Krzysztof Marcyński


The aim of this review and theoretical study is to determine the importance of media ecology theory for communication and media studies. Bearing in mind this research goal, the following research questions were asked: What is the media ecology theory? What approach to media and communication research does it represent? What research perspectives are proposed in the field of media ecology? What new can media ecology bring to communication and media studies? An additional objective of the article, and, at the same, time the intention of the authors, is to raise the interest of Polish researchers in the subject of media ecology and its various aspects, enriching research in the field of communication and media studies.


media ecology; methodology; media nature; communication and media studies

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Date of publication: 2019-10-16 16:31:02
Date of submission: 2018-08-11 10:21:39


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