Sheep and Horse Grazing in a Large-Scale Protection Area and its Positive Impact on Chemical and Biological Soil Properties

Barbara Futa, Krzysztof Patkowski, Elżbieta J. Bielińska, Tomasz M. Gruszecki, Michał Pluta, Mariusz Kulik, Szymon Chmielewski


This paper looks into the impact of free grazing by sheep and horses on the chemical and biological properties of soils in the partial protection zone of the Roztocze National Park. The study sampled three different types of pastureland in the area: pastures for sheep, horses and for combined grazing by sheep and horses. Compared to an ungrazed reference pasture, free grazing significantly stimulated the activity of enzymes which catalyze the transformation of organic matter (dehydrogenases, phosphatases and ureases) and it also positively influenced other chemical properties of the soils. Among the soils under free-grazing management, the pasture grazed to horses underwent the most advantageous changes in terms of the eco-chemical status of the soil.


free grazing, large-space protected area, soil, chemical properties, enzymatic activity

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Date of publication: 2017-03-08 11:31:42
Date of submission: 2017-03-08 11:04:29


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Copyright (c) 2017 Barbara Futa, Krzysztof Patkowski, Elżbieta J. Bielińska, Tomasz M. Gruszecki, Michał Pluta, Mariusz Kulik, Szymon Chmielewski

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