Sand Removal from Sandstone Cliffs as the Main Factor Influencing Properties of Organic Soils – a Case Study of Transitional Bog in the Stołowe Mountains

Bartłomiej Glina, Jarosław Waroszewski, Adam Bogacz, Wojciech Majewski, Tomasz Kaczmarek, Piotr Gajewski, Zbigniew Kaczmarek


With this paper we investigate the effect of sand contribution to organic soils and direct influence of this process on the physical and physicochemical properties on the example of transitional bog in the Stołowe Mountains (the Central Sudetes), which was periodically covered by sand material from sandstone cliffs weathering. Field survey and soil sampling were conducted in August 2015 in the area of Białe Skały. Soil material for laboratory analysis was collected from three peat cores, while soil samples were collected from each soil horizon distinguished in each core. Obtained results indicate the great impact of mineral material admixture on soil properties, both physicochemical and chemical. Recorded values of each soil parameter in the organic horizons adjacent to the mineral interlayers differ considerably from those obtained in the soil profile free of sand admixtures. Preliminary study of soil cover of transitional bog will allow correct planning of palaeoecological research about genesis and evolution of this peatland.



peatlands, mineral interlayers, sandstones, soil properties, the Sudetes

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Date of publication: 2017-08-30 11:16:05
Date of submission: 2017-04-01 10:21:58


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