The effect of long-term peatlands drainage on the properties of soils in microrelief in the Długie Mokradło bog (Central Sudetes – SW Poland)

Adam Bogacz


The aim of the study was to assess the impact of long-term drainage on the morphology and selected properties of shallow peatland soils in microrelief. The study was conducted within strongly drained peatland (Długie Mokradło bog) located on elevated plateau in the Central Sudetes. The study area is covered  by spruce stands introduced by man. Long-term drainage has changed morphology of study soils which were classified as Ombric Fibric Dystric Histosols or Histic Dystric Gleysols. Some peat horizons were strongly silted. The depth of organic materials varied within the range 30-55 cm. Peat humification process showed greater - activity in surface horizons, than in a deeper ones. This phenomenon were especially visible in the shallow places in drainage ditches. Soil reaction was strongly acidic. In soil horizons in old drainage ditches higher values of effective cation exchange capacity (CECe) were recorded, whereas base saturation (BS) did not exceed 20%.


peat soil, mountain peatland, Sudetes, old ditches, peat cores morphology

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Date of publication: 2018-01-15 09:23:53
Date of submission: 2017-07-13 07:40:48


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