Deposition of metals in glacial lake sediment

Josip Jurković, Esma Velagić Habul, Walter Dӧrfler, Enisa Omanoviń-Miklicanin, Saud Hamidović, Anita Ivanković


The aim of this research was to find the relationship between metals content and age of the sediment and to estimate the contamination level. For the research of sediment, samples were taken from the glacial Lake Prokosko. Concentrations of eight elements (Ca, Mg, Fe, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu and Mn) were determined. The age was determined with usage of C14. For statistical evaluation of the results, we used basic statistical tools, correlation, and PCA. The results showed that all of investigated metals have natural origin. Sediment core from this research was around 18,000 years old and the results revealed characteristics of metals deposition in the process of sedimentation. Concentrations of metals were compared with age (depth) of sediment. Maximal concentrations for iron, calcium, magnesium and manganese are found in the period of Allerӧd oscilation. Differences in Mn/Fe ratio and organic matter content are showing changes through history. These results show metal deposition characteristics in different climate periods, and these characteristics could be used as another proof of climate change.


sediment, correlation, PCA, age, Mn/Fe ratio

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Date of publication: 2018-09-19 14:32:01
Date of submission: 2018-04-19 11:31:21


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Copyright (c) 2018 Josip Jurkovic, Esma Velagic - Habul, Walter Dӧrfler, Enisa Omanovic-Miklicanin, Saud Hamidović, Anita Ivanković

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