Managing Migration in the United States and the European Union – Maintaining the Security

Lehte Roots


The article reflexes the nexus between security and migration management. Immigration is often seen as threat to national security but in case of refugees they are the victims of the instability and lack of protection of their human rights. The article aims to analyse how the human security concept is discussed in EU policies and how it has been implemented to tackle the migration crisis. The approach of the USA to migration and security will be used for the comparative analysis. The article discusses the historical and legal developments of migration management and the effects and problematics in the open world. Since the EU and the USA are the world big players, they should stay the leaders in promoting human rights and security. The way to do it is to introduce homogeneous policies in terms of migration management.


migration management; United States; European Union; migration; security; human rights; migration crisis

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Date of publication: 2021-09-05 23:24:17
Date of submission: 2020-11-12 15:36:45


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