Press Propaganda in Czechoslovakia Towards „Solidarity” on the Example of the Journal „Rudé Právo” (1980–1981)

Mirosław Szumiło


The wave of strikes in Poland in the summer of 1980 and the establishment of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union „Solidarity” caused understandable anxiety among the leadership of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPC), who was afraid of extending the „Polish counter-revolution” to their country. The propaganda in the press and other media played a key role in containing the threat from Poland. The rulers of Prague sought to present the citizens of such an image of „Solidarity” that would cause aversion towards Polish independent trade unions and reduce the risk of his postulates infiltrating their country.

The aim of this article is to analyze the image of „Solidarity” as a trade union and social movement in Czechoslovak press propaganda on the example of the daily „Rudé Právo” – the central body of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. The content published in it was treated as an official interpretation of the position of the leadership of the communist party, on the basis of which most of the articles about events in Poland, published in other press titles in Czechoslovakia, were written. The article was based on an analysis of the content of „Rudé Právo” from August 1980 to December 1981. The analyzes of the content of the Czechoslovak press prepared at that time by employees of the embassy of the People's Republic of Poland in Prague were also used.


Czechoslovakia; „Solidarity”; press propaganda; daily „Rudé Právo”

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Date of publication: 2022-06-30 13:44:13
Date of submission: 2021-09-19 14:31:56


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