The Role of Memory in the Relationship Between Ancient Romans and the Gods

Danuta Musiał


In the article I discuss the role of rituals in the construction of religious memory. The concept of cultural memory of Jan Assman is the starting point of my research. In Rome, the social frame of social memory created the customs of ancestors, and historical examples, the places in the topography of Rome and figures from the past were ‘the figures’ of memory. The meticulous observance of the ritual characteristic of the Roman religion can be counted as an example of memory practices. Through the ritual people were confirming their memory of the gods and were reminding the gods of their expectations for them. The ritual was a kind of procedural memory that was connecting the Romans with their ancestors and the ancestral deities. Remembering and forgetting played an important role in many rituals related to, for example, the admission of foreign deities to the Roman pantheon. The memory was a form of godliness, which is why in various forms it was present in the images of Gods and ritual practice.


cultural memory, mos maiorum, roman religion

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Date of publication: 2019-12-13 09:01:36
Date of submission: 2018-01-30 09:23:19


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