The unknown neighbour: Belarus and Belarusians in the eyes of Polish students

Antanina Siamionava


The article focuses on the contemporary images and associations of Polish university students with their Eastern neighbours – Belarus and Belarusians. At the beginning of the article I argue that Belarusians for a long time remained a relatively unknown nation, not only for the distant Western Europeans or Americans, but also for the neighbouring states. An overview of Polish public opinion research concerning the national stereotypes and attitudes towards Belarusians is provided. 150 surveys with Polish university students in Warsaw and Krakow have been conducted. The analysis of the results shows that an overwhelming majority of university students associate Belarus and Belarusians with its contemporary political situation. Associations with people, their culture and customs are marginal. Moreover, Belarusians were neither familiar, nor interesting, to the majority of Polish students. Thus, the stereotypical image of Belarusians is not well shaped in Poland – until today they remain rather unknown and vague to Poles.  


associations; Belarus; Belarusians; Polish students

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Date of publication: 2016-02-26 08:00:37
Date of submission: 2015-07-07 20:49:51


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