Legal Instruments to Protect the Environment from the Effects of Excessive Chemistry in Agriculture on the Example of Plant Protection Products Regulation

Monika Anna Król


Chemical plant protection products used in agricultural production have an impact on human health and life, but also undeniably on the state of individual elements of the environment, including biodiversity. Pollinating insects are representative of the animal world particularly sensitive to modern environmental threats generated by agriculture. The purpose of the article is to analyze and evaluate the legal regulation relating to plant protection products, made in terms of preventing excessive chemisation in agriculture, and consequently ensuring food safety. The subject of the study are the legal conditions for the admission and use of substances that ensure simultaneous benefits for plant production, in the absence of harmful effects on human and animal health and unacceptable effects on the environment. Particular attention has been paid to the authorization, on special terms, of preparations containing neonicotinoids.


food safety; precautionary principle; pollinating insects; pesticides; neonicotinoids



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Date of publication: 2020-06-21 16:40:28
Date of submission: 2020-02-04 16:05:46


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