Legal Status of Animals in Poland
The article is of a scientific and research nature and it is aimed primarily at outlining the legal status of animals and to what extent legal regulations governing this status determine the level of humane protection of animals in Poland. To achieve this goal, first of all, the concept of “animal” needed to be made more specific, the principle of dereification discussed and its normative scope outlined, and the characteristics of an animal as a specific tangible good needed to be presented. The need to address the issue is determined primarily by the awareness that the way of human life and human attitude to animals has been changing with the development of civilisation. In any case, the changes that have taken place in this area in recent decades make the title issue topical and conducive to verify previous findings. It is assumed that the research carried out will contribute to the development of an optimal model of legal protection of animals and to the development of legal science. The very dissemination of the results is to raise the social awareness of the legal status of animals, which is one of the conditions of further progress of civilisation.
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Date of publication: 2021-09-16 22:46:47
Date of submission: 2021-06-06 14:45:17
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