The Sui Generis Nature of Legal Protection in the Case of Regional Development Aids in the Hungarian Legislation and Legal Practice – Focused on Irregularity Issues

Lili Gönczi, István Hoffman


The regional development aids have a significant role in Hungarian economic life, therefore, the legal regulation on them and the remedies against the decisions of the state agencies can be considered as an important issue. The article analyses the dogmatic background of state aid and regional development contracts. It is emphasized, that there is a tension between the EU and national-level legislation. These contracts and the liability for these contracts are interpreted as an administrative one by the EU regulation, however, the private law nature of these contracts is mainly highlighted by the Hungarian legislation and partly by the judicial practice. The article examines judicial practice, and it can be emphasized, that the above-mentioned tension can be observed in it. This tension has significant effects, especially since the effectiveness of these remedies can be questioned.


administrative law; Hungary; administrative liability; state aid; judicial practice

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Judgment of the European Court of Justice, case C-380/98.

Date of publication: 2023-06-27 10:36:45
Date of submission: 2022-07-05 22:26:20


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