Management of Municipal Waste during the Geopolitical Crisis from the Point of View of the Commune Budget in Poland

Jadwiga Glumińska-Pawlic, Tomasz Gwóźdź


The article aims to present the problem of paying for municipal waste management in the face of the influx of refugees caused by the war in Ukraine. The number of people residing in Poland has significantly increased, and as a result more waste is generated. The authors analyse current legal regulations and judgments of administrative courts and the Constitutional Tribunal to determine who is obliged to pay the municipal waste management fee and what proper steps this entity should take. Due to the nature of the problem, the dogmatic-legal method was used to analyse the texts of legal acts, court decisions and available literature. The solution proposed by the authors can be used in practice by the bodies of local government units adjudicating the determination of the municipal waste management fee amount.


municipal waste management; war in Ukraine; commune budget; legal regulations

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Date of publication: 2024-06-27 10:20:27
Date of submission: 2023-09-04 19:18:17


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