Provincial Governor as a Body Responsible for Combating State Security Threats

Mirosław Karpiuk, Jarosław Kostrubiec


Security is ensured at different levels of governance in the field, as well as by various administrative authorities, including in the region by the provincial governor (Pol. wojewoda). The central-government administration also plays an important role in this regard. The provincial governor is no exception here, as the legislature has entrusted this body with an important mission in this sphere. The counteraction of special threats by the provincial governor is linked to the fact that he is a representative of the Council of Ministers in the region, equipped with important competences in the field of security. The governor implements his policy (including that relating to security) within the area of the province (Pol. województwo). His competence to prevent and remove specific risks concerns, i.a., emergencies, crisis management and the state of epidemic threat or the state of epidemic. When taking action in this area, the governor may exercise sovereign powers in certain situations requiring their addressee to conduct in a specific way, whether by act or omission. The purpose of this paper is to characterise the status of the provincial governor in the field of security, where the threat is of an aggravated nature. Due to such a defined research objective, it was necessary to analyse the provisions in the field of tasks and competences of the provincial governor when facing extraordinary threats (or the possibility of their emergence).


provincial governor; threats; emergency states; crisis management

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Date of publication: 2024-03-28 13:57:57
Date of submission: 2023-11-30 11:31:48


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