Remarks on Labour Code Regulation of Acting on Behalf of an Employer in Labour Law Relations

Artur Tomanek


The aim of this text is to determine whether the evolution of Polish Labour code regulation of acting on behalf of an employer has reached the level which satisfies the requirements defined in a theory and practice of labour law. The author accepts the decision of the Polish legislator who abolished in 1996 the principle of one-man management in labour law relations. The above-mentioned principle did not correspond with market economy conditions which put an end to a domination of state in employment relations. The binding article 3¹ of Labour code has established a short general formula. The wording of this regulation makes possible a basic conformity with the rules laid down in Polish Civil Code which define an ability of a an employer to act in civil law relations. Labour code regulation preserves a necessary level of autonomy of the notion of acting on behalf of an  employer. The above-mentioned autonomy is connected with the wide scope of employer’s acts in labour law relations and a particular notion of an employer treated as a organizational unit which need not be a legal person. On the other hand there are a few serious problems which arise from the present regulation and should be dissolved in a future Polish Labour code. In the author’s opinion there are some open questions such as the legal position of a person established by an employer to act on behalf of him and the relation between representation of an employer in labour law relations and in proceedings at law.


employer; representation of an employer; manager of an employment unit; acting on behalf of an employer; legal act; labour relation

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Date of publication: 2015-09-09 12:12:01
Date of submission: 2015-09-09 09:30:25


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