The Right to Good Administration. Axiological Aspects of Good Administration

Marian Zdyb


Certainly, it is essential, for the shaping of public order in a state, to establish the standards of good administration and axiological basis for the legal system of administrative law, both in the formal-legal and systemic aspect and the substantive-law domain. The basic role is played by legal designatations, such as: properly understood the principle of separation of powers, the principle of the rule of law, human dignity as an axiological basis and the categorical imperative in the sphere of understanding what good administration is, the meaning of the notion of the common good, proper distribution of prime factors of the relationship the common good – human dignity. Legal security and certainty of law, the elimination of inflation of law and the relativization of fundamental values of systemic significance form are also an important element underlying good administration. It is not possible to shape the system of good administration without a properly formed public service and without continuously building its ethos. The analysis of the foundations of good administration and its durability cannot boil down only to the procedural and legal aspects. Therefore, apart from pointing to the need to constantly address the issues of the principles and standards set out in Poland in the Code of Administrative Procedure and in the Code of Good Administrative Behaviour adopted on 6 September 2001 by the European Parliament, I have decided to present this issue in another paper, while focusing herein on the fundamental axiological values symbolizing good administration. An important place in this area is taken by the problem of the individual’s right to good administration, which is a consequence of recognising that the State has an obligation and responsibility to shape the optimal model of good administration and governance within the country.


good administration; right to good administration; human dignity; common good; legal security; certainty of law; rule of law


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Date of publication: 2019-12-02 17:42:56
Date of submission: 2019-06-11 08:27:32


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