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Issue Title
Vol 31, No 3 (2022) Is There Any Morality Here? Richard Posner’s Economic Approach to Judge Behavior Abstract   PDF
Anna Tomza
Vol 28, No 1 (2019) Issues of Sources of Remuneration and Reimbursement of Expenses of the Curator of the Estate Appointed by the Administrative Court Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Robert Talaga
Vol 26, No 2 (2017) Issues of the Public Operation of Law on the Example of Organ Transplantation Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Aleksandra Żaba
Vol 26, No 1 (2017): Special Issue: The Legal Determinants of Agricultural Policy Issues Related to the Acquisitive Prescription of Agricultural Property by the Individual Farmer Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Rafał Michałowski
Vol 24, No 1 (2015) Jacek Wiewiorowski, Sądownictwo późnorzymskich wikariuszy diecezji – Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2012, ss. 381 Details   PDF (Język Polski)
Sebastian Stankiewicz
Vol 25, No 3 (2016): Special Issue: From Past Law to Contemporary Law. Jubilee Book in Honour of Professor Wojciech Witkowski Jan Kanty Działyński’s Activity in the Insurgent Authorities Under the Prussian Partition in the Years 1863–1864 Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Maksymilian Stanulewicz
Vol 25, No 4 (2016) Jean-Louis Vullierme, Mirror of the West. Nazism and Western Civilization, transl. M. Żurowska, W.A.B., Warsaw 2016, pp. 406 (Miroir de l’Occident. Le nazisme et la civilisation occidentale, Paris 2014) Details   PDF (Język Polski)
Hubert Mielnik
Vol 33, No 1 (2024) Judges in Polish Newspaper Headlines in 2022: A Contribution to the Media Image of the Judge Abstract   PDF
Danuta Kępa-Figura, Monika Kępa
Vol 33, No 1 (2024) Judicial Cancellation of Commonality of Author’s Economic Rights as the Proceedings Excluded from the Jurisdiction of the Intellectual Property Courts: Case Study Abstract   PDF
Grzegorz Tylec, Sebastian Kwiecień
Vol 32, No 1 (2023) Judicial Control in Integrated Composite Administrative Proceedings – Monism or Duality of Protection of Individual Rights? Abstract   PDF
Martyna Wilbrandt-Gotowicz
Vol 32, No 4 (2023): Special Issue: New Challenges to Justice: The Application of Law and ADR in the Perspective of Information Society. Guest Editors: Katarzyna Hanas & Paweł Kłos Judicial Decision-Making and Explainable AI (XAI) – Insights from the Japanese Judicial System Abstract   PDF
Yachiko Yamada
Vol 28, No 4 (2019) Judicial Punishment Decisions Referring to Offences with Identical Statutory Punishments in the Light of Statistical Data Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Aneta Michalska-Warias
Vol 31, No 4 (2022) Judicial Review of Statutory Public Bodies’ Regulations in the Light of the Hungarian Code of Administrative Court Procedure Abstract   PDF
Marcell Kárász, István Hoffman
Vol 30, No 4 (2021) Judicial Review of Taxation Authorities’ Decisions on Reliefs in Payment of Tax Liabilities Based on Administrative Discretion Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Andrzej Niezgoda
Vol 25, No 3 (2016): Special Issue: From Past Law to Contemporary Law. Jubilee Book in Honour of Professor Wojciech Witkowski Judicial System of Prussia, the Second Reich and the Weimar Republic (1815–1871 and 1918–1933) Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Tadeusz Maciejewski
Vol 24, No 4 (2015) Jurislinguistics: Between Language and Law Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Marta Sobieszewska
Vol 32, No 2 (2023) Justice as Relations in Social Life Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Wojciech Dziedziak
Vol 32, No 4 (2023): Special Issue: New Challenges to Justice: The Application of Law and ADR in the Perspective of Information Society. Guest Editors: Katarzyna Hanas & Paweł Kłos Justice in Judicial Enforcement Law: Comments in the Context of the Decision-Making Model of the Law Application Process Abstract   PDF
Piotr Szczekocki
Vol 30, No 5 (2021) Justification of Legal Change: In Search for a Model of Neutrality Abstract   PDF
Maciej Chmieliński, Michał Rupniewski
Vol 25, No 2 (2016) Justification of the Bill on the Amendment of the Constitution – Practical Aspects Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Edyta Tkaczyk
Vol 32, No 1 (2023) Juvenile Community Services for the Benefit of the Local Community: In Search of Effective Methods of Resocialization Abstract   PDF
Krzysztof Stasiak, Paweł Kwiatkowski
Vol 31, No 4 (2022) Key Issues for Effective Procurement Remedies Abstract   PDF
Roberto Caranta
Vol 27, No 4 (2018) Konstytucja USA. Ze studiów nad amerykańskim systemem politycznym (The United States Constitution. From the Studies of the American Political System), red. Michał Urbańczyk, Łukasz Bartosik, Marcin Tomczak, Poznań–Łódź 2018, pp. 289 Details   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Julia Pietrasiewicz
Vol 28, No 1 (2019) Kryzys poczucia bezpieczeństwo jednostki w Unii Europejskiej w kontekście praw uchodźców Abstract
Wojciech Konaszczuk
Vol 26, No 1 (2017): Special Issue: The Legal Determinants of Agricultural Policy La tutela de las Denominaciones Geográficas en la Unión Europea. Luces y Sombras Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
Ángel Martínez Gutiérrez
Vol 22 (2014) Labour and capital in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Teresa Liszcz
Vol 24, No 3 (2015) Labour Law Development Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Wojciech Muszalski
Vol 33, No 2 (2024) Lack of Fair Judicial Review of Pre-Trial Detention after Surrendering the Prosecuted Person as an Absolute Obstacle to Extradition Abstract   PDF
Przemysław Tarwacki
Vol 25, No 4 (2016) Lack of Participation of a Party in Tax Proceedings as a Premise for Re-instituting the Proceedings Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Justyna Różycka
Vol 30, No 5 (2021) Land Consolidation as an Example of Local Social Activity Leading to the Sustainable Rural Development Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Katarzyna Czerwińska-Koral
Vol 26, No 1 (2017): Special Issue: The Legal Determinants of Agricultural Policy Land Grabbing. Basic Legal Issues Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Radosław Pastuszko
Vol 32, No 3 (2023) Land Valuation Methods in Land Consolidation Proceedings vs. Implementation of the Purpose of Land Consolidation as Specified in the Land Consolidation and Exchange Act of 1982 in Rural Poland Abstract   PDF
Dorota Wilkowska-Kołakowska
Vol 26, No 1 (2017): Special Issue: The Legal Determinants of Agricultural Policy Las indicaciones geográficas agroalimentarias como motor de desarrollo de las economías territoriales Abstract   PDF (Español (España))
José Ramón Sánchez Jaraba
Vol 22 (2014) Latest proposals of changes in the Republic of Poland Constitution Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Ryszard Chruściak
Vol 29, No 5 (2020) Law and Lawyers vs “Political Turn” and the “Return of Political Philosophy” Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Iwona Barwicka-Tylek
Vol 30, No 2 (2021) Law as a Fable: The Issue of Myth in the Interpretation of Law Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Ceglarska
Vol 24, No 3 (2015) Law Changes of the Rest Leave in the Labour Code Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Anna Kosut
Vol 25, No 4 (2016) Law in Civilization Perspective Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Jacek Janowski
Vol 25, No 3 (2016): Special Issue: From Past Law to Contemporary Law. Jubilee Book in Honour of Professor Wojciech Witkowski Law Journals and Unification of the Law in Interwar Poland Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Adam Redzik
Vol 30, No 1 (2021) Legal Act as the Subject of Mythologization: Remarks on the Reception of the JUST Act of 2017 in Poland Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Bartosz Kwiatkowski
Vol 33, No 2 (2024) Legal and Constitutional Aspects of the Triple Union: On the History of Federalism in East-Central Europe in the Modern Era Abstract   PDF
Jerzy Malec
Vol 30, No 4 (2021) Legal and Financial Aspects of Housing Resources Management by Local Governments Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Elżbieta Feret
Vol 30, No 4 (2021) Legal and Political Aspects of the Council of National Defense Functioning in 1920 Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Damian Szczepański
Vol 24, No 4 (2015) Legal and Political Status of Russian Emigration in the First Years of the Second Republic of Poland – Selected Issues Abstract   PDF (Język Polski)
Nina Zielińska-Balcerzak
Vol 33, No 3 (2024) Legal and Societal Obstacles to Obtaining Equal Rights by Women: The Way to Equality of Rights according to Paulina Kuczalska-Reinschmit Abstract   PDF
Agata Grudzińska
Vol 28, No 3 (2019) Legal and Technological Conditions in the Process of Electronisation in Communication between Parties in Public Procurement Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Marian Cichosz
Vol 32, No 1 (2023) Legal Aspects of European Satellite Navigation Systems in a Time of Change Abstract   PDF
Zuzanna Kulińska-Kępa
Vol 32, No 1 (2023) Legal Aspects of Off-Label Treatment with “Medical Marijuana” in Terminally Ill Patients – a Medical Experiment or an Embodiment of the Patient’s Right to Receive Services in Accordance with Current Medical Knowledge? Abstract   PDF
Justyna Esthera Król-Całkowska, Janusz Jaroszyński
Vol 32, No 3 (2023) Legal Aspects of Taxation of Offshore Wind Farms in Poland Abstract   PDF
Krzysztof Teszner
Vol 30, No 2 (2021) Legal Aspects of the Imposition and Enforcement of an Administrative Penalty for Failure to Register a Vehicle Imported from the Territory of a European Union Member State Abstract   PDF   PDF (Język Polski)
Tomasz Brzezicki, Piotr Rączka, Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski
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