Environmental Threats Mediterranean Sea Challenge for the Sustainable Development

Katarzyna Stachurska-Szczesiak


Environment condition the socio-economic development of the coastal States of the Mediterranean (ME), which, paradoxically, are responsible for the current state of Mediterranean flora and fauna. At the beginning of the twenty-first all the research on the marine environment of the Mediterranean they were consistent in terms of steadily deteriorating health condition of Mare Nostrum. These problems are increasingly visible on the southern shores of countries Mediterranean. This fact has been neglected for many years by the developing countries of the South, which focused more on maintaining economic growth than preserving and protecting the environment. In recent times, despite the unstable situation in the region is growing awareness that the problems associated with the environment, are often cross-cutting and require solutions nestled on international cooperation, especially when it comes to a common space that is the Mediterranean Sea. The key solution for maintaining a healthy marine environment, and economic and social development Mediterranean is to implement the principles of the concept of sustainable development. This article aims to analyze the activities of the coastal States and the EU to protect the Mediterranean paving the way for the establishment of sustainable development in the Mediterranean in the future.


Environmental threats, Mediterranean Sea, sustainable development, EU action, cooperation in the Mediterranean region

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/teka.2016.11.2.25
Date of publication: 2018-09-12 08:53:07
Date of submission: 2018-05-18 13:24:18


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