Science diplomacy as a form of cooperation and rivalry in the Arctic

Michał Łuszczuk


In the context of the challenges posed by the intensifying effects of climate change and the growing international importance of the Arctic, the question about relationship between scientists and diplomats and political decision-makers in process of shaping and implementing foreign policy has been emerging. This article – based on the concept of scientific diplomacy and analysis of selected examples of interactions between the world of science and world of foreign policy in the Arctic region – indicates the two-dimensional nature of a scientific diplomacy. On the one hand, there is a national dimension – oriented towards the realization of state’s own interests and on the other there is an international dimension oriented towards developing regional cooperation and solving common problems. This specific nature of scientific diplomacy means that it can be perceived both as a instrument of rivalry and a mechanism of cooperation in contemporary international relations.


scientific diplomacy, diplomacy, international scientific cooperation, Arctic

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Date of publication: 2018-09-17 14:22:22
Date of submission: 2018-09-17 14:21:32


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