Belarus – “neoauthoritarianism with a human face”?

Paweł Usow


Neoauthoritarian regime has been established in Belarus, providing consolidated and institutionalized undemocratic regime, resulted by a process of retreat from democracy. It is based on various forms of control, political mobilization and legitimacy, including democratic procedures, but limits political freedoms and enjoys wide public support, which is a result of effective social and information policies. Undemocratic political regime in Belarus is a mix of Soviet and post-Soviet elements of exercising power and using particular methods of governing and control over society. Unlike during Soviet times, the regime does not seek to control private life and activities of individuals, neither it limits entertainment and consumption, while provides the conditions for an individual (private) business. These activities encourage significant part of the society to voluntarily resign from political life, discourage participating in movements or political parties. The regime does not try to eliminate its political opponents, but conducts the policy of discrediting and marginalization of them. Changes of political regime in Belarus might occur not in consequence of social pressure or the opposition’s activities, but as a result of weakening of the regime from inside.


Belarus, neoauthoritarian regime, post-Soviet, democratization

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Date of publication: 2017-06-20 11:55:43
Date of submission: 2017-06-19 10:38:22


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