Barbara Popiołek


The paper attempts to analyze loanwords in Croatian anatomical terminology. The history of every language has known periods when its vocabulary became enlarged with foreign and loanwords under the influence of other cultures and languages. Croatian scientific terminology was created under the influence of German and Latin languages (with Latin used in medicine in Croatia until the beginning of the XIX century). The main focus of this study is the problem of calques among loanwords. Croatian anatomical terms are formed as calques, either at word-forming level (morphemes are translated one by one) or semantically (motivation for a specific meaning of a term is taken over particularly from German). The examined material contains about 250 calques. The paper presents only examples selected from lexical structures. They represent the type of structural calques with few examples of semantic calques.


linguistics, Croatian, calques, terminology, anatomy, loanwords

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Date of publication: 2015-07-15 00:03:05
Date of submission: 2015-07-07 12:05:26


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