Appropriation of Classic Literature as an Ideological Issue: The Experience of Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre

Natalja Shroma


In the present article, the issue of art, including literature as well as theatre, and ideology is analysed based on archival materials of Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre from 1921 to 2023. The repertoire policy of the theatre at all stages of its existence took into account the ideological potential of classic writers and their ability to initiate the discussion of current political, ideological, and social issues. It was manifested in the selection of the authors (in their acceptance or rejection) and specific works for dramatization. The paper focuses on the stage adaptations of the prose of Ivan Turgenev, whose creative heritage has a wide range of ideological interpretations. Moreover, the article discusses the procedures of transformation of the source texts that allow successful reception of a classic text.


reception, classic literature, stage adaptation, appropriation, text name, copyright


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Article submitted / Zgłoszony do druku: 19.12.2023 | Reviews completed / Proces recenzyjny zakończony: 20.03.2024 | Accepted for publication / Przyjęty do druku: 01.07.2024 | Screened with iThenticate

Date of publication: 2024-12-19 15:19:12
Date of submission: 2023-12-19 18:14:52


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