The Presumptive Paradigm in Contemporary Bulgarian Language (on Internet Data)

Krasimira Aleksova


The paper deals, firstly, with the question of the semantics of the presumptive mood and its epistemic character, and secondly, it compares three opinions regarding the presumptive verb paradigm in contemporary Bulgarian language. On the base of this comparison a maximal model of the Bulgarian presumptive paradigm is proposed. The paper advocates that there are two sub-paradigms in the past frame of the Bulgarian presumptive – for a non-vouched for and a vouched for action. Given that, the study aims at researching which presumptive forms of the proposed maximal model are likely to appear in internet communication (blogs, forums, online articles, posts and chats in social networks).


presumptive, contemporary Bulgarian language, paradigm, Internet


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Date of publication: 2018-12-17 13:02:47
Date of submission: 2018-12-14 11:56:42


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