The Neo-Cultural Ballast in the Semantic Structures of Natural Language

Oksana Leontieva


The neo-cultural ballast is built into the semantic structures of language. It modifies them and influences the ways of functioning of language in the public consciousness. This leads to violations of the established semantic system of language, and to new ways of combining the sense units, creating a new holistic system of ideas about the world as a result of knowledge. On the other hand, the conscious ability of a person to record sensations, perceptions, concepts, judgments and reasoning changes. These processes affect a person’s self-awareness and, consequently, cultural and social stereotypes.


neo-cultural ballast, semantic structure of language, natural language, linguistic turn, perception, thinking


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Date of publication: 2018-12-17 13:02:47
Date of submission: 2018-12-14 13:35:36


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