Isotopic investigation of nitrates in Horyniec-Zdrój waters

Anna Baran, Ireneusz Baran, Beata Gebus, Stanisław Hałas


In this work the isotopes of oxygen and nitrogen were determined in nitrates of water samples collected in Horyniec Zdrój and they allowed the preliminary indication of the source of NO3 ion. The obtained δ15N and δ18O values of nitrates dissolved in the Róża III therapeutic water are +2.1, +13.1 ‰, respectively. They indicate the origin of NO3- ion from bacterial decomposition of organic matter which is abundant in the aquifer.

Interpretation of the processes affecting the chemical and isotopic composition of investigated waters was possible by taking into account earlier isotopic analyzes as well as chemical composition, geological structure and hydrogeological conditions prevailing in the aquifer. The results and discussion presented in this paper have excluded the possible influence of external contaminants in Horyniec-Zdrój waters used for therapeutic purposes.


mineral and therapeutic waters; nitrate concentration; δ15N and δ18O in nitrates (NO3-); Horyniec-Zdrój

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Date of publication: 2016-04-29 12:28:33
Date of submission: 2016-01-15 16:43:18


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