Dynamic Quantum Vacuum and Relativity

Davide Fiscaletti


A model of a three-dimensional dynamic quantum vacuum with variable energy density is proposed. In this model, time we measure with clocks is only a mathematical parameter of changes running in quantum vacuum. Mass and gravity are carried by the variable energy density of quantum vacuum. Each elementary particle is a structure of quantum vacuum and diminishes the quantum vacuum energy density. Symmetry “particle – diminished energy density of quantum vacuum” is the fundamental symmetry of the universe which gives origin to the inertial and gravitational mass. Special relativity’s Sagnac effect in GPS system and important predictions of general relativity such as precessions of the planets, the Shapiro time delay of light signals in a gravitational field and the geodetic and frame-dragging effects recently tested by Gravity Probe B, have origin in the dynamics of the quantum vacuum which rotates with the earth.


energy density of quantum vacuum, Sagnac effect, relativity, dark energy, Mercury precession.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/aaa.2016.71.11
Date of publication: 2017-02-23 09:57:45
Date of submission: 2016-04-07 15:06:21


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