The Early Education Teacher Facing the Issue of Thanatology

Anna Szkolak-Stępień


Introduction: Including elements of thanatological education in early education is a necessary aspect of upbringing. Reaching the end of one’s life, the needs of a dying person and of his loved ones – these are difficult subjects, giving rise to strong, negative emotions. In the modern world, the experience of death has unfortunately become much closer, often also personally painful. The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have caused a significant worsening of mental functioning in children as well as adults. Thanatological education at the stage of classes I–III in elementary school is therefore a difficult task, often overpassing the capabilities of even the most experienced and talented teachers.

Research Aim: The article presents the subject of thanatological education as a challenge for the early education teacher, on the basis of subject literature, and the study’s purpose was to present the preparation of early education teachers in this area on the basis of their self-evaluation and to conduct a diagnosis of these competencies with reference to work experience on the basis of our own research.

Method: In the research, use was made of a diagnostic survey, with the questionnaire technique and an online questionnaire (Google Forms). For analysis of the study material, elements of descriptive statistics were used.

Results: Research results have indicated that most early education teachers do not possess sufficient competencies in the area of thanatological education, and for half of them, the subject of death is a difficult topic of conversation with children. At the same time, teachers realize the need to support a pupil suffering after the loss of a close person and declare that they offer help in this matter.

Conclusions: The subject of death is everywhere present. The early education teacher should be aware that a conversation about dying is a very difficult, delicate subject for the young child. It is often related to dramatic events and stirs negative emotions in pupils. The teacher should have knowledge in the matter of thanatology, with skills and ease of conversation on this level; he should demonstrate sensitivity, tact and empathy towards the pupil in mourning. Therefore, it is suggested that thanatological education be included in the program of pedagogical studies. It has become necessary to consciously perceive the role and place of thanatological education as one of the necessary elements of early school education.


thanatological education; thanato-pedagogy; early education teacher

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Date of publication: 2024-09-05 10:36:32
Date of submission: 2024-01-08 16:55:52


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