Child custody in Poland and its reception in Ukraine: historiography of the problem

Marija Czepil, Oresta Karpenko


Ukrainian scholars’ interest in the pedagogical concepts of Poland is due to the necessity to identify developmental stages of custodianship and educational systems, trace similarities and discrepancies, distinguish axiological ideas in the educational theory and practice of Poland in the XX – early XXI centuries and further use them in the social realities of Ukraine. Cooperation of teachers from both countries has made it possible to conduct joint scientific projects, prepare a series of publications on the importance of child custody theoretical and methodological principles in the educational theory and practice of Poland. The works of Ukrainian scholars (1988–2017) dedicated to Polish child custody, including monographs, collections of scholarly articles, defended dissertations, substantiating the importance of studying theoretical and methodical foundations of custodianship in the educational theory and practice of Poland, taking into account national features as outlined by activities of Polish scholars, who laid the foundations of the child custody studies and brought about transformation of the Polish society’s values, have been analyzed. Now, Ukrainian educators should focus on improving forms, methods and means of custodianship, modernizing institutional forms of care, analyzing children’s needs.


custodianship; children; historiography; theory of child custody; custodianship and educational activities; Ukrainian scholars; Poland; Ukraine

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Date of publication: 2020-04-09 11:30:54
Date of submission: 2019-03-13 18:33:27


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