A failed devaluation of the macabre. Leon Pininski on the „carnal pledge” in William Shakespeare’s „The Merchant of Venice”

Maciej Jońca, Katarzyna Jaworska-Biskup


In his work entitled Der Kampf ums Recht, Rudolf von Jhering recounts a famous story of a peculiar contract that William Shakespeare describes in his play The Merchant of Venice. The repayment of the loan is secured by the debtor by one pound of his own body. The creditor, however, fails to enforce the payment before the court. Human flesh as a security has attracted the attention of lawyers for centuries. Von Jhering evokes the story to demonstrate that whenever an individual’s right is violated, the reputation of the entire legal system suffers. Another lawyer, Joseph Kohler, launched a vehement polemic against Jhering’s arguments. In his Shakespeare. Wrażenia i szkice z twórczości poety, Leon Pininski, a professor of Roman law at the University of Lviv, presents a different view. He approaches the topic of the flesh bond from historical and dogmatic perspectives, he never overlooks the fact that Shakespeare was a writer, and his work was purely produced for the stage.


The Merchant of Venice; Rudolf von Jhering; Joseph Kohler; Der Kampf ums Recht; partes secanto; Leon Piniński

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/g.2024.71.3.87-107
Date of publication: 2024-12-09 22:19:52
Date of submission: 2024-03-05 09:24:54


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