The criminal policy of Roman State against wide spread crime and incorrigible criminals by the example of Hadrian’s rescript concerning a theft of cattle

Krzysztof Amielańczyk


The primary purpose of the Emperor Hadrian’s criminal policy against thieves of cattle (abigei) was the severe punishing for their criminal offences (crimen abigeatus) and the implementation of the postulate of inevitability of criminal responsibility. Hadrian’s rescript (rescriptum) issued to the consilium of the province of Baetica, supplemented by comments of classical jurists (specially Ulpian), shows two main aspects of Roman criminal policy concerning crimen abigeatus. The first one was to stop a widespread crime in Baetica province, the second one was to eliminate a special kind of perpetrators – incorrigible criminals.


Hadrian’s criminal policy; crimen abigeatus; widespread crime; incorrigible criminals

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Date of publication: 2024-12-09 22:19:50
Date of submission: 2024-04-10 19:23:38


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